ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Software is the integrated management of core business processes, often in real-time and mediated by software and technology. Сontemporary ERP-systems are comprehensive and cover all the functions of the enterprise, and not just specific to back-office processes, as it was before. Cloud-based ERP has a more modular setup. Several enterprises are even licensing software as they would for an on-premises use and running it in a public /private cloud.


5 Statistics about ERP Software

  1. 81% of organizations are either in the process of implementing ERP software or have completed implementation. (Panorama’s 2017 ERP report)
  2. 16% – The most common reason for implementing ERP was to replace old ERP or legacy systems. (Panorama’s 2017 ERP report)
  3. 14% of organizations are in the process of selecting software. (Panorama’s 2017 ERP report)
  4. 5% are in the process of upgrading software. (Panorama’s 2017 ERP report)
  5. Modern ERP systems are able to increase on-time deliveries by 24% due to improved productivity, order tracking, and decision making. (Aberdeen Group)


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